Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Secret of Creating Abundance Revealed!

By Zoe Smith

What is it that you want manifesting in your life? Whether it is health, wealth or relationships, the good news is that you are not only supposed to have them-you are meant to have them in abundance. Now I'm not saying that you go out and collect wives/husbands-rather that you are emotionally, mentally and physically rich because of the wholeness that begins in your spirit.

There are so many programs and books that claim to help you get rich-what is the right way anyway? Effective and meaningful fruit cannot come from the outside. It has to come from within. This means that if you are poor the solution is not to get more money, it is adjusting the mindset you have about money and prosperity.

This, my Friend, is the secret to creating abundance. If you have a higher awareness of yourself and an accurate view of the things of the world, no adverse situation can keep you down. Think about it. There are many instances that poor people receive a windfall but lose it after some time. Money without the right mental perception and attitude towards it will not last. On the other hand, you cannot make a truly wealthy person a pauper. They believe they are rich so whatever obstacle they encounter are only temporary glitches that make for a good testimony in the long run.

So the question you need to ask is really this-what do you believe about yourself? What thoughts are you constantly meditating on? A hundred thoughts come to you every day but you can choose which ones to entertain and which ones to throw away. You have amazing power inside you to change your circumstances! Change your basic perception and prove it out for yourself.

One of the most astounding equipment there is is the brain. It sends out millions of electrical signals every day. Your thoughts are more than just bubbles and wispy threads of memory-they are vibrations that you unconsciously send out attracting things and people of the same frequency. The more concentration you put into something, the greater the resonance it gives out. If you meditate on wealth, opportunities for it will inevitably come your way.

This is the law of attracting manifesting desires of your heart: building the picture in your mind of the good that you desire, and then allowing yourself to be deeply involved in it emotionally. This produces commitment and immovable belief that what you desire will come to pass. When you believe and expect for the things you aspire for-then manifestation is inevitable.

As you continue to let your dreams grow inside of you, speak forth positive affirmations daily to trigger and maintain the passion in your heart. For example, "I know I am made to be prosperous. Thank you for the money coming in and the favor I have with people and situations today."

Creating abundance is easy once you know how to do it. See yourself rich and prosperous in your mind's eye today and walk in amazing blessings tomorrow. Enjoy your best life today!

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