Friday, December 21, 2012

How Can You Manifest Your Destiny?

By Zoe Smith

How does your day go? When you wake up do you force yourself out of bed, drink that cup of coffee and wearily trudge to work along with the hundreds of people in the streets?You know that it could be worse but then again-it could also be much better, right? There has got to be more to life than an endless parade of days just surviving. You have an amazing destiny that you need to step into beginning today.

You've heard the pep talk and it sounds good, but how is it even relevant in what you're doing? It seems too far removed from your reality. Friend, it is not. Understand that an amazing life is not just for the educated and privileged-it is for everybody who can dare to believe. You need to think outside your perceived reality. Find out how you can manifest your destiny when you read this article.

What is destiny? Is destiny something that is automatically yours to possess, or is it something we have to deliberately fashion out of every decision we make? Well, one thing's for sure-nobody is destined to be poor and without direction in life. A good life is prepared and indeed, ready for us to step in to- but it is up to us to discover and use the gifts and abilities in us to make the life we want.

So, how can we do this? There is something inside us but what is it? What is this quality that can transform the adverse circumstances we face to the reality we desire? It is simply this: our eternal and indomitable spirit.

The spirit is the alpha and omega of your life. For some, they only associate "spirit talk" to the religious and consider it insubstantial and irrelevant to the practical matters of the world. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you understand who you are and what you can do-it can bring you the health and wealth you desire in all areas of your life.

All things we see in the world is made up of energy. This energy emits vibrations of different levels of frequency. The thoughts you think are vibrations and it will attract to it those that it comes in harmony with. So if you are meditating on wealth and prosperity- wealth and prosperity is what you will get. Monitor the thoughts you think and trim away the negative energy hindering you from your progression. When you do this, subliminal manifestation will cause you to walk in your dreams.

That's why people always say that you need to be careful of what you wish for because more often than not-you do get it. This is not just a coincidence, it is the unchanging principle that the universe operates by. Remember, everything you see in the world was created by an invisible idea inside a man. You may not see with your natural eyes the life you want, but you can manifest your destiny by the power that lies inside of you today.

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