Sunday, April 21, 2013

When Resentment May Mean Depression

By Peggy Chen

"Irritable! That is how I regularly feel!" And upon checking with my better half, she agreed. Peculiar as it might seem we both realized something wasn't right, separately, on the same day, after 18 months of struggle.

Such was the realisation that the consuming anger that would rise up with no warning was essentially a tell-tale sign that I was reaching my end - I was depressed. What a revelation that was; to know there was a way out, but that that way out meant admitting my weakness. And then an irony appeared; the instant I confessed my need for help, in that moment - that actual moment - hope drew near.

Irritability is a tell-tale sign of depression, particularly in males.

Something would go 'wrong ' and I might flip into a rage, regardless of if I was alone or nobody else noticed; within me I was beside myself with fury. And at the same time part of me was asking, in a desperate state of puzzlement, "What's going on here, Steve?!"

Such fits of anger were tiring, and though happily there was customarily no observable harm created, there was much religious torment that needed to be reconciled. I was beyond control and did not understand how to revive that control.

But the word irritation - or irritable - got me wondering. It struck me in a second of openness of heart and mind. God used that word to bare his truth. My irritation with the sign I was depressed. I had fought the best I could, in my very own strength, for 18 months. Now was the time to actually admit my weakness and seek help.


Why would we get unfairly angry otherwise, unless our inner world was in flux?

Occasionally anger is all we have left to rail against a world we will be able to neither understand nor work with. That world, for whatever reason or reasons, has given us cause to feel declined in some form. All we have left is fury. And self-righteousness is the driver, because justice has not been served - according to the depressed mindset.

Hate unearths sadness for the issues of contempt in our lives we have no control of. And it does not take a lot to feel beyond control.

When we admit our sadness nonetheless , because we have realised the role resentment is playing, the path to recovery opens up - regardless of the despair inside our circumstance. When there is a requirement, get pro help to assist you, before it affects your life and make you ned up in debt for cultivating nasty habits!


Uncharacteristic irritation could be a sign of the unhappiness of depression. Sometimes all we have left is resentment; but on realising our requirement for help, to admit that, opens a trail to recovery. If we are truthful about anger we could see the unhappiness underneath. Such unhappiness is an invitation to be explored, to be certified, and to be wrestled with. As soon as we do these things the door to wish swings ajar and then completely open.

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