Monday, April 29, 2013

The ways to assist your child to get their first job

By George Dodson

John is about to complete his high school studies. He will be graduating and shortly after that, he will be looking for a job. That is a tall order these days with the economic climate the way it is. He would be competing with about 40,000 similar graduates for getting the decreasing number of jobs available. Since the kids just completing their schooling do not have any experience, it becomes increasingly difficult for them.

John's parents are concerned. They realize that the incidents of kids living in the basement of their parent's home, is on the rise. They feel that they should do all possible help for John to get an employment.

Primarily, the parents should not start pushing once their child graduate. Most of these kids know that they cannot live with mom and dad forever. They realize that they have to go out and look for a job. You need to support them when they need it and encourage them in the efforts that they are putting forth. Showing faith in them produces the best results. Even if you do not find expected results soon, you should not try to coerce of compel them.

Many youngsters do not have the ability for finding employment. This makes them prematurely give up the effort. Only way to avoid this is to provide them encouragement and motivation. You can also suggest that part time is OK temporarily. Part time jobs will give them the experience which would help them in landing in full time job in due course.

Treat your child as a partner in this endeavor. Proper communication would help you in knowing his needs. One of the biggest mistake parents make is insisting that their son or daughter do what they think they should do. When you get a clue to what your child wants to do, encourage them in that direction. Show them empathy when the going gets rough. It would be good if you sit together and work out a plan which suits your child.

By all means, don't be too soft. Your child would need some firm encouragement so that he does not give up easily. Be ready to step in when it looks like things are falling apart.

Establish a social contract with your job-seeking child. Agree on a set of rules and expectations and make sure you both understand the signs when these expectations are met. For example, If they need to fill out 5 employment application in order to drive the car for a week.

You must resist the compulsion to take over and do it yourself. That doesn't help the situation at all and it destroys the confidence the child has in both you and them. Keep in mind the world of job hunting has changed since you first started this endeavor.

If you really care about your child and their job hunting effort, you will want to pay attention to the above tips. This would help in maintaining the trust and confidence in both of you, once your child lands in his first job.

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