Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Best Gun For Home Defense

By Paul H. Gray

As a young hunter then a soldier and former Policeman I've been around weapons most all my life and to me they are just tools machines if you will, machines that have to be respected. But for my wife well. she was just plain scared to the bone of the tools of my trade. But years back hearing me talk with the guys about work and the break-ins, the home invasions and other heinous acts that happen to good people she finally asked me to recommend something she could use.

I instantly replied a Shotgun is your best defense and my little wife launched into a ten minute dissertation as to why that was not her weapon of choice. Once she ended her little tirade I asked her if I could just state my case. I knew I didn't have much time so I said; "Honey" that always helps. I explained the Shotgun I am talking about is small only 26 inches long and it doesn't weigh much and the stellar point about this machine is you don't need bullets. She worries because of the children in the house and those who visit.

Steel Batons. I suggest you have this handy weapon in your bedroom when sleeping at night, an extendable baton gives you leverage by 3 feet and is a painful impact weapon that I highly recommend.Choose self defence weapons you are comfortable with you could use in a life or death emergency.I often get asked what the best form of self defense is.Or, what is the best self defense product to carry. My answer is always the same. The best form of self defense that which you are able and willing to do. The best self defense product is the one that you are actually willing to carry and use.Because there are many women who are not able to train in physical self defense, due to time constraints or physical limitations, I prefer to focus on things that can be carried and used by anyone, regardless of age, size or strength.

The next week I took her to the range with her small new pistol grip shotgun and we learned all about the machine I told her if you hear someone breaking in the house or a stranger comes to the door call 911 first then just go back to the bedroom and grab the tool off the hooks above the sliding doors in the closet put two blank rounds in the tube and simply ask the person trying to gain access to the house; Who is It? If the reply is not what you wanted to hear simply say I have a gun and I know how to use it. If they keep trying to come in rack the shotgun CLICK-SLAM at this point be prepared to fire the weapon aim it towards the ceiling and BAM they are very loud let one go. The blanks will do some damage to the ceiling but I can always fix that.

The other day, a woman asked me about pepper sprays. She told me she wanted one, but wasn't sure which one would be best. I asked her where she intended to keep it. She told me she wanted to keep it in her car. I recommended a pepper spray that had an auto visor clip, and showed her how easy it was to use and how it would stay in place in her vehicle rather than rolling around, inaccessible in her glove box or center console. Anything used for protection that is not readily accessible is useless in case of an emergency.

Your Final Line of Defense,If you have followed the steps above, your home is hardened and is much less likely to be burglarized or looted. However, there is always the chance that an unwelcome guest could get inside and threaten the safety of you and your family. If you don't have a firearm and some training, there is a simple non-lethal way to protect yourself. Mace or pepper spray is a great way to persuade someone to leave you alone. If you are going to be using it indoors, consider a gel type instead of a spray type, so that the entire room is not fogged with the noxious spray.

Lock all doors and windows even when you are at home.Use your peephole. If you don't have one-get one!Install some security cameras.Have some self defense products like a Mace pepper gun around the house in case someone gets in.Follow these top eight tips and your home security will be better and you will go a long way to preventing a home invasion.When you order get a two FREE E Books 'Making Your Home Secure' and 'Self Defense Tips For Women'. We will meet or beat any price on the internet for comparable products-Our Low Price Guarantee!Home security is becoming more important to homeowners as incidents of home invasion and home burglary happen more frequently. There is anecdotal evidence to show that home burglary is on the rise. Just look at your local TV station news every night. There's almost always a story about a home burglary or home invasion.

Some police officials state that because of the poor economy, more people are turning to burglary. Burglary is a low risk high reward enterprise. But there are some things that scare burglars away. That's why security gadgets and security devices are selling more than ever before. They are a cheap way to improve home defense. Here are four security gadgets to improve your home defense.A burglar who had committed over 70 burglaries successfully recently got caught and revealed some home protection tips to homeowners to prevent burglary. One of them was that if he saw a security camera on a house-even a fake one-he would definitely stay away!

If a woman is still not satisfied with all these self defense weapons, tasers are a logical next step. After all, a stun gun is 85% effective but tasers are virtually 100% effective. With well made tasers, women's self defense becomes a sure thing. Tasers will stop any aggressor, no matter how big or how crafty. What is more, tasers are good for up to 15 feet from the target. That means that the woman need not give the attacker the chance to take over her self defense weapons.

The Video Patrol Camera is an outdoor, weather resistant spy camera that can take 26,000 still photos or 75 minutes of video. It uses an infrared sensor to record only when there is activity in front of it. It requires some light so if you have a spotlight outside that should be sufficient. It helps capture images of anyone who might be breaking into your house or vandals who would do damage to your car or property.It used to be that homeowners would hide a spare key underneath a doormat. There isn't a burglar alive who didn't know that trick. Now there are key safes that are in outdoor thermometers or in water sprinkler heads. So get creative and hide your spare key somewhere else.

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