The single biggest reason cited for not competing tasks is the lack of motivation. If you're like everybody else in the entire universe (and you are) then at one point or another you will lack the motivation to do something. Welcome to the club. There are about 6 billion human members plus a few million animals as well (that's right animals can be lazy too).
Whilst a lack of motivation may not be your biggest challenge personally, it is one of the biggest challenges that students face as they try to find the strength of character to push through high school and College.
If motivation is not present in the individual, simple uncomplicated tasks have a nasty habit of becoming huge complicated problems - ones that can end up being avoided for days (and sometimes weeks or months!) So how does this happen?
Well, when you feel 'motivated', it's easy to stay focused over a long period of time and work diligently towards your goal. However, when you are not feeling 'motivated' you will have virtually zero focus and the chances you will even start the task are minuscule. Either that or it will require someone threatening you with something before you'll get started on your work (like a parent taking away your iPad or a teacher removing you from the class). That's not a great way to get motivated!
Unfortunately, much of the motivation in the world comes in the form of fear - the fear of negative consequences. For example, you will see most students completing their homework (or at least attempting to complete it) for fear of what will happen to them if they don't. They may be embarrassed in class, they may be grounded by their parents, they may fear falling behind everyone else, or they may fear appearing stupid. It could be many things - but it is all fear-based motivation. It's only natural - this type of motivation has been around since the dawn of time.
You see, if there was no negative consequences what would happen to the world? Would everyone still behave themselves in an orderly way? Or would there be total panic and disorder? How would the world run itself if there was no negative motivation? It's actually a scary thought!
Fear of negative consequences has its place in the world. It's important in its own way - however it should absolutely not be the ultimate reason for you to do whatever it is you do each day. It should not dictate your behavior. That's not living. That's just "existing".
If you want to really find your bliss in life you need to find a way to find the positive reason for why you're doing whatever you're doing (and this doesn't just apply to your schooling - it applies to all areas of life).
Real motivation is borne out of a possibility. A possibility of what may happen from taking a certain action. The possibility of what can be created. For example, when you ask a girl or guy you like for their phone number, you are living into a possibility. The possibility you may get to go out on a date with them! Sure, you may not succeed. You may get shut down. But so what? The power of living into a possibility drove you to take that action. If you act out of fear, you probably won't ask for the number or take any action and you'll just feel regret. Why? Because fear of negative consequences (like being embarrassed or laughed at) won the day. By living in fear you don't really live. By living in fear you don't feel the amazing power of real motivation.
So the next time you are doing something (anything) ask yourself "Am I acting out of fear, or out of possibility?" You may be very surprised by the answer.
Whilst a lack of motivation may not be your biggest challenge personally, it is one of the biggest challenges that students face as they try to find the strength of character to push through high school and College.
If motivation is not present in the individual, simple uncomplicated tasks have a nasty habit of becoming huge complicated problems - ones that can end up being avoided for days (and sometimes weeks or months!) So how does this happen?
Well, when you feel 'motivated', it's easy to stay focused over a long period of time and work diligently towards your goal. However, when you are not feeling 'motivated' you will have virtually zero focus and the chances you will even start the task are minuscule. Either that or it will require someone threatening you with something before you'll get started on your work (like a parent taking away your iPad or a teacher removing you from the class). That's not a great way to get motivated!
Unfortunately, much of the motivation in the world comes in the form of fear - the fear of negative consequences. For example, you will see most students completing their homework (or at least attempting to complete it) for fear of what will happen to them if they don't. They may be embarrassed in class, they may be grounded by their parents, they may fear falling behind everyone else, or they may fear appearing stupid. It could be many things - but it is all fear-based motivation. It's only natural - this type of motivation has been around since the dawn of time.
You see, if there was no negative consequences what would happen to the world? Would everyone still behave themselves in an orderly way? Or would there be total panic and disorder? How would the world run itself if there was no negative motivation? It's actually a scary thought!
Fear of negative consequences has its place in the world. It's important in its own way - however it should absolutely not be the ultimate reason for you to do whatever it is you do each day. It should not dictate your behavior. That's not living. That's just "existing".
If you want to really find your bliss in life you need to find a way to find the positive reason for why you're doing whatever you're doing (and this doesn't just apply to your schooling - it applies to all areas of life).
Real motivation is borne out of a possibility. A possibility of what may happen from taking a certain action. The possibility of what can be created. For example, when you ask a girl or guy you like for their phone number, you are living into a possibility. The possibility you may get to go out on a date with them! Sure, you may not succeed. You may get shut down. But so what? The power of living into a possibility drove you to take that action. If you act out of fear, you probably won't ask for the number or take any action and you'll just feel regret. Why? Because fear of negative consequences (like being embarrassed or laughed at) won the day. By living in fear you don't really live. By living in fear you don't feel the amazing power of real motivation.
So the next time you are doing something (anything) ask yourself "Am I acting out of fear, or out of possibility?" You may be very surprised by the answer.
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