Friday, February 8, 2013

Why Doesn't the Law of Attraction Work For Me

By Glenda Feilen

The "law of attraction" has a very inviting promise: the power to manifest whatever you want by means of belief and purpose. But does it work?

Some people are extremely powerful with attraction while others fail many times. I think a principal reason people don't succeed is that they have a state of mind that does not permit attraction to work its magic. Usually, these inhibiting belief systems are under the radar and inhabit the subconscious mind making them quite tough to conquer.

If you are serious about attracting positivity into your life, you must contemplate a few questions and answer them honestly. Deep down, do you truly believe that you can make things happen simply by habituating the art of believing in them? If you don't, attraction will not stick for you. It is absolutely necessary to examine your most rudimentary beliefs, and discover your most inherent skepticisms, to allow attraction to happen.

If you answered no to the above question, talk to someone who has made attraction work for them. Query this person about their beliefs and discover how they have arrived at accepting attraction as reality.

Coincidences are the physical indication of attraction, and the portal to understanding it. If you don't believe they suggest something broader, than attraction won't be right for you. Whenever coincidences happen you must immediately recognize that there's a link.

If coincidences take place, keep tabs on them. Write the particulars down on paper. By centering your focus on coincidences you will bring more of them and ultimately develop a higher sense for what they might mean.

A lot of people have become fired up about what attraction implies, only to grumble that it doesn't work for them immediately after. The most challenging part of the law is to develop the routine of keeping track of your thoughts. Checking in constantly to what you are thinking about is the key to making attraction work. It takes time and energy, and you have to ask yourself if you up for the challenge!

When you begin down this path, it can be beneficial to quantify at the end of each day what amount of time you spent in positive attraction mode and what amount of time you used in damaging thought patterns. Physically write it down so you can see the results. This exercise can be very enlightening and is an integral piece to bringing in more of what you want.

Attraction is a life-long practice. Although you may be fortunate and manifest something pretty quickly, it does not mean attraction will work every time. For the practice to be truly advantageous, it is necessary to cultivate it over the long-term and purposefully accept it as part of your every day experience.

In my opinion the laws of attraction can work for anyone. The first step is to consider the right questions and do a little searching into your subconscious mind. It's there you may find the answers to why attraction does not work for you!

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