Saturday, February 16, 2013

How To Teach Your Kid Tennis

By Davis Pete

Tennis is a great sport and very few people can argue with that statement. It has all the challenge of competition as well as being a great exercise with a lot of cardiovascular activity. It's the type of sport that kids would enjoy playing. It isn't that difficult to learn, but the person doing the teaching should be able to interact easily with younger people. A tennis lesson for a kid is really quite different than adult tennis lessons.

There are a number of places to play tennis. Singapore has quite a few so that arranging for tennis lessons is not that big of a problem. Finding the right tennis coach for your kid, however, will take a little more time. This person has to be extremely patient. Kids do not have the concentration and mental discipline skills of an older person. They get very easily distracted particularly when things don't come to them easily. A good instructor will make the lesson a fun activity so that the child wants to keep trying. The tennis court should never be a place where a youngster doesn't want to go. The instructor takes his or her young student through the motions gradually. Ground strokes are mastered first and then the overhead swing for beginner tennis. Kids group tennis lessons are sometimes a good way to make the instruction more of a social event where children get to know each other, and learn from watching.

Learning together with other kids alongside them can be a good place to start. However, if your child shows a strong aptitude and interest in the sport of tennis, you may also wish to give him individual tennis lessons to speed up his learning of the game. Learning correct techniques and the rules of the game are important at a young stage. Kids will be able to learn the game faster if they were to take part in some age group tennis tournaments.

As part of teaching the game, the coach must also emphasize the rules of the game such as hitting the ball after one bounce. If not you will lose a point to your opponent. Along with this is also teaching the rules of the game such as the where the balls must land or where the ball will be called out etc.

Some parents have visions of professional tennis whenever they see their children do well. That is not a good idea at all and is unfair to the kids. Tennis is meant to be fun at an early age and not an occupation. Putting too much pressure on a budding tennis player will only result in the youngster walking away from the game entirely. Teaching your kid tennis should be enjoyable and the child should think of it as fun. That way, a lifelong attachment to the game can be generated.

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