Thursday, June 20, 2013

Abundance And Prosperity Laws You Need To Know

By Zoe Smith

In order to be wealthy in every area of your life, you need to understand and own abundance and prosperity as your divine right. Wipe the slate of your mind clean. Do not let doubts and past disappointments keep you from discovering your best today. The prosperity laws as outlined below will guide you into experiencing the abundance of a blessed life that is yours if you choose to take it.

1. Be a magnet to positive energy. What are the vibes you are emanating? Are you a positive or negative person? You will know by the thoughts you have had this whole day. Did you think of things that are exciting and happy, or sad and angry? You cannot see your thoughts and emotions but they are very real power sources that are transmitted to the world every day. If you want to be rich, its simple-think rich. The universe will make sure that what you ask for you will get. Use this to your advantage and see your own world change.

2. Take charge of your life. You are not a fragile leaf tossed and turned by the winds of change. While bad things do happen to good people sometimes, this should not be your prevailing concern. It might lead you to fear every opportunity presented lest you be a victim of imagined trouble ahead. You cannot help some things from happening but you can always control your response to it. You need to stop pointing fingers and start looking ahead instead.

3. Have faith in all that is good. While unfortunate situations happen even to the best of us, there is more good out there than bad. There is more abundance out there than lack. There are so many problems in the world yes; but open your eyes, purpose to see all that is good and noble and you will find it. Nurture a grateful spirit and you will discover blessings will abound in your life. Believe in the good that make up the world you live and it will reveal itself to you.

4. Decide on having a quality consciousness in the present. Living in the past is not useless--it is harmful. What good can come out of dwelling on past glories and former pains? They say it is called the present because it is a gift, and so it is. Use Today to create the Tomorrow you desire for yourself and your loved ones. Reject negative thoughts and emotions so they have no power to keep you from your purpose.

5. Hold on to a conviction of your prosperity. Your will to succeed will be tried in times when nothing seems to be working. Face your doubts straight on and see beyond what is visible to the eye. Your truth is based on the strength of your belief - reality will have no choice but to conform to your vision. This conviction will accelerate the move of the prosperity laws that is already moving in your life.

6. Put these truths to the test. Yes, you heard me. I challenge you to practice these principles and see if your life is any different because of it. You may find it difficult at first to break your old way of thinking but nothing is more worth your efforts that doing it today-- your abundance and prosperity are waiting.

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