Saturday, October 5, 2013

Get Long Lasting Solutions To Water Problems By Using Concrete Waterproofing Admixture

By Rhea Solomon

When producing, replacing, and curing concretes, water is essential but once these construction processes are fulfilled, the concretes become unfriendly to moisture. Although concretes may perform well in wet environments, excessive exposure to moisture may cause damages. To protect the concretes from water-related damages, concrete waterproofing admixture is used to reduce permeability. Concretes are porous materials and are prone to developing cracks that could encourage water infiltrations.

You may notice small cracks a few days after the construction. The cracks provide entry points for moisture. Even in concretes that are not exposed to water directly, moisture can migrate through the porous structures and reach the interiors of the material. Although concretes can perform well in moist environments, when there is excessive exposure to water, it could lead to great damages.

The sealers and coatings wear out with time exposing the concrete material. In addition, these products have varying degree of effectiveness in protecting concretes. Use of admixtures simplifies the protective process of concretes giving them a lasting solution to effects of moisture. The admixtures reduce permeability of concretes meaning moisture does not penetrate the materials.

Besides preventing moisture, the admixtures help in mitigating other problems like water migration, freeze-thaw effects, carbonation, and efflorescence. Moreover, use of admixtures on concretes makes them damp proof. Buildings constructed using concretes material suffer from dampness when cracks occur. The cracks allow moisture to penetrate deep and may enter in buildings leading to moisture problems. The moisture can encourage growth of molds and mildew.

Building structures that are constantly exposed to moisture such as concretes roofs may not effectively be protected by use of sealers and membrane covers. A more long lasting solution may be needed such as use of admixtures. Sealers provide short-term solutions to the problem of moisture penetration. The sealer products wear out due to effects of water and heat from the ultraviolet rays.

These sealer materials will wear out or peel off with time exposing the concretes to moisture. The admixtures provide a onetime solution to problems of moisture within concretes. You will not need to use sealers and coats to protect concretes. There are other benefits of using admixtures besides reduction of permeability in concretes. These substances help in preventing moisture migration in concretes.

Different admixtures may be used by contractors depending on the exposure of concretes to moisture. The contractor will determine the right admixtures to use. You can save money when you these waterproofing products because your concretes do not suffer from water damage anymore. When you use the admixtures, there is no additional preparation of oil-based membranes requires since you have treated your concretes mixture.

Carbonation and efflorescence are also tackled with use of admixtures. The admixture materials are used during batching and are blended with the concretes mix to make it waterproof. This ensures that your concretes are protected from the time of installation. The substance can reduce the probability of cracks occurring due to effects of moisture. For a longstanding protection of concrete material, you can consider using concrete waterproofing admixture to protect the material from water damage.

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