Wednesday, June 19, 2013

5 Harsh Realities Of Advice

By Joseph Desonia

Nowadays, there are all kinds of places where job seekers can find career advice. This advice might be found on the internet, heard from a friend or relative, or even mentioned by a co-worker. There is actually such a large amount of career advice available that you might have trouble figuring out which tips are worthwhile and which ones are not helpful. Also, it can seem impossible to actually implement all of the bits of career advice you find. In this article, you will read a concise list of useful bits of career advice.

1. Due to the fact that today's job market can be difficult, you might want to hire a career expert to help you. These people are frequently referred to as career advisors; their work involves offering career advice to the individuals who hire them. Quite often, career advisors spend their time working with individuals who are trying to find work in a particular industry.

Frequently, this field is the one in which a career advisor was employed before he or she decided to provide career advice on a full-time basis. This gives them a unique perspective. Before you commit to a career advisor, it is an excellent idea to have meetings with multiple people who provide this service. This will allow you to choose the individual who is capable of offering the best career advice for your lifestyle and needs.

2. This bit of career advice is particularly useful if you are considering embarking on a new career. It is important to take some time to think about your individual strengths. Personal strengths can either be innate traits or skills that you have worked hard to perfect. It is a good idea to actually make a list of your strengths.

Once you do this, you can start to consider careers for which you are well-suited. For example, if you have spent years babysitting and are an extremely caring individual, you might want to consider a career in neonatal nursing. On the other hand, if you were an athlete and have a passion for sports, you might want to think about being an athletic trainer.

3. Once you figure out what sort of career you want to dedicate yourself to, you need to look into the sort of training that is required. Some types of career shifts necessitate that you enroll in school and obtain another degree, but others might not require you to take any extra classes. A great piece of career advice is to look into this as soon as you decide what type of job you want. This will let you start on your training as fast as you can.

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