Friday, April 12, 2013

The Science of Getting Rich, Its Relationship With "The Secret," and The Law of Attraction

By Megan R. Grayson

I first found out about "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles a few years ago. I downloaded this almost 100 year old classic in pdf format, and read it in one sitting. It is less than 100 pages and is easy reading, so this was certainly no task.Shortly after reading this short classic, the movie "The Secret" was released on dvd. "The Secret" of course, went into depth about the Law of Attraction and how what you think about, is what you bring into your life. Interestingly enough, it took me a few months to realize the relationship.

It is but natural that the same causes would logically generate the same effects. The same is also true among men and women who would act in certain ways. Learning to act in certain ways would absolutely make each man and woman to get rich.The science of getting rich would tell us that environment has nothing to do with getting rich. Because if it that would be the case, then we would not be seeing poor and rich families living in the same village or area nowadays. The truth is that we see rich and poor families living side by side in the same environment and most interestingly, with the same vocation. Let us say, two men are living in the same locality and that both are engaged in the same business.However, only of them gets rich while the other one remains poor. Despite the similarities in their environment and their nature of job, they still end up differently in terms of their economic condition. This only shows that getting rich is not a matter of environment. We cannot deny the fact that some environments are more favorable than others. But again, if we are to analyze the given scenario, then we would come up with a conclusion that to get rich is the result of doing things in certain ways.

So what's it all about? In his book, Mr. Wattles discusses topics such as your right to be rich, gratitude, the importance of thinking in what he terms a "certain way". He then follows this with his observations about acting in a "certain way", and taking efficient action. He also discusses how the advancing person is not in competition with others at all, but is in a creative mode, and understands they are here to create whatever it is that they want, through thinking and acting in a "certain way".This 1910 classic is a tremendous read. You can actually go online and download free it at your leisure. Think of it in these terms, to paraphrase Jim Rhon, the principals of success don't change over time. What Mr. Wattles teaches in "The Science of Getting Rich" has proven to be successful through many generations. If we go back before Wallace Wattles' time, those principals, I'm certain, were the cornerstones of success for centuries prior to the writing.

Look at your current skill set and the things you are passionate about in life. These are great clues to help you understand what you can do to become rich.What can you do to be of service to people? How can you make a positive difference in the world? What could you do to make you feel you deserve to be rich?Once you can pinpoint this you can start to move towards setting things in place to work towards creating true riches in your life.Notice I say "true riches" here ~ when you are doing something you love and helping others the money will come naturally this is the true meaning of being rich in life.

I speak from personal experience here ~ after 14 years in the corporate world I followed my dreams and started my own personal development business. For me being in service, helping others and making a positive difference around the world gives me the true riches in life. The fact that I am creating financial freedom from doing this is just a wonderful bonus:). I think it is about time that we were totally honest with ourselves regards learning all the stuff that is available to make us rich, make us happy, make us more aware how to use the Law of Attraction etc. It seems we follow the really successful gurus who have made these teachings work for them and have had meteoric success from day one. Now although this is good sales publicity, it is not what happens for 99% of the people who try to learn.We can also get sucked into following someone who has read a book and has the flair to create adverts and sales product to entice us into there fantastic new fail proof method.

What is the missing ingredient in both these examples? In the first instance if the person has had the fortune, once they lock in to the teachings, to have never had a backward step, or fallen off the horse, how can they help you if you fall off. In the second example, if the person is teaching you purely from what they have read, where will there knowledge and experience come from to help you get back on the horse, WHEN you fall off? It is so important to realise that knowledge comes from experience and wisdom comes from observing and applying that knowledge over a period of time.Why do so many people fail at incorporating these teachings?, one of the main reasons is that the people teaching them cannot identify with the person that has fallen off the horse.

Nowhere else is the Science of Getting Rich needed more than in medicine.The way medicine is practiced now, it tends to bring even more disease. Drugs don't really cure anything. More often than not, they tend to mask the symptoms, or simply give the person taking them a little relief.Doctors need to stop "practicing" and start curing. The focus needs to change from one of disease to one of healing and health. What you focus on brings more of the same.This is also apparent in religion. All of those fire and brimstone sermons simply bring more guilt and sin. Isn't one of the purposes of getting saved to bring you the more abundant life Jesus talked about? Everyone who follows these instructions to the letter will get rich.The key here is in focus. If you focus on disease, you invite in more disease. The focus instead should be health and healing.

The more recent "string" theory predicts that in a tenth (or ultimate) dimension, vibrating "strings" of energy exist as the building blocks of all matter and energy in our 3-dimensional world. Of course, what these experiments and theories in physics have in common is their strict relevance to the sub-atomic scale. Only string theory attempts to gulf the chasm between magnitudes of scale. Taking quantum effects to the macro world we normally perceive ourselves in is another thing entirely.This profoundly impacts the way we would try and go about influencing the world when we envision ourselves as successful individuals. While it is very unlikely the power of any one mind could ever bend a spoon. However, some experiments suggest a more subtle influence may be had, perhaps influencing sub-atomic "decisions" to your fiscal advantage.

Fill your present place with the view of advancing yourself.Growth is necessary to having what you want in life and becoming what you want to become. If you are currently employed, then it is imperative that you outgrow your job. You must become more than your current job and develop the skills necessary to become what you want to be.God cannot help helping you when you act in the Certain Way.The universe is made up of certain rules. These rules operate whether we believe in them or not. They work the same way every time.

I have rewritten the Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles in Plain English and I would like you to have a copy free of charge, because the information contained in this book can change your life.Every word in the book I have proved to be true and if you just follow the explicit instructions to the letter, you will attain Wealth and Happiness.Just remember, you will fall off the horse and that is what happens to normal everyday people.Bob Proctor is one of the greatest exponents of these teachings and has been doing this for 40 years yet out of the many thousands of people he has taught only a handful have really gone on to mega success.Take heart from this. The fact that there have been successes proves the teachings work, the fact there are so few huge successes means that it requires a bit of commitment. What Bob has produced in abundance however is loads of people that have changed their lives for the better, but have just not had that extra little bit of belief and energy to get over the hill.So if you want to change your life and are prepared to do the things stated in SOGR you will experience an amazing transformation, be warned though you will experience times when you want to give up and it is those people that work through these barriers with faith and belief, who will make these teachings work for them in extraordinary ways.

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