Saturday, January 26, 2013

Learning How To Sing Like A Rockstar

By Babet Koolwijk

How would you like to totally transform the way you sing and accomplish that in no more than three months? How would you like to sing with an ample vocal range, hitting every note impeccably? How would you like to anticipate practice sessions that are more like fun than hard work? You may not believe it now but you even might end up being able to sing like an expert nightclub entertainer or recording artist. It's inside you: You merely have to express it and, to accomplish that, you have to discover how. I'm talking about training your ear to get perfect pitch and about singing from your soul, not merely your mouth. How about learning to hit each note with expert precision? What do you think? Does that sound great to you?

Sounds terrific, doesn't it? But, right about now, you are undoubtedly asking yourself how all this can be completed in just three months. Let me tell you about Singorama, a professional vocal learning course that is now to be had at a VERY realistic and reasonable cost, especially considering all it offers you.It makes absolutely NO difference WHY you aspire to sing well. You may merely want do it for the simple pleasure of it. Maybe you would like to get a gig with a band, enter a karaoke contest, sing in church, or even reach stardom! The principal thing, in any event, is that you discover how to sing like a pro. Even if you are already a successful performer, you'll be astonished at how much more excellent you can become with a little structured practice utilizing this professional system.

A lot of times, even great self-taught vocalists are sent to take singing lessons in preparation for recording and touring because unless you know how to use your voice properly, it's going to disappear on you and maybe even get seriously damaged. A lot of pop and rock singers especially seem to feel that it's somehow selling out or compromising your "sound" by getting vocal lessons but almost any professional musician will tell you that more music education only HELPS your chances at becoming successful.

After all the main aim of taking singing lessons is to uncover your singer within and allow your song to be heard. Having singing lessons should be fun, but it is also hard work.Singing can bring huge pleasure to people, and if you have the desire to be able to sing better than you can now, then why not look into it?See how much it is going to cost you for one on one lessons with a vocal trainer, maybe even try out a lesson or two. Also take a look at the systems available via the internet and compare before you make a decision.I think the best way to learn how to sing is to keep practicing, keep going to lessons, or keep listening to your CD's, and then one day you will realise that yes, you can now sing quite happily and will more than likely have even increased your pitch along the way.Most importantly though, you will be able to enjoy your singing much more.

These vocal coaches are usually the best trained and most experienced singing teachers around. Certainly you have a better chance of connecting with a truly great voice teacher there than by pulling a number off a paper flyer. Learning to sing is expensive...prepare to pay good money for your voice lessons! Anywhere between $40 and $100 per hour, once a week is common. If you decide to go to college, I'd recommend auditioning for a vocal program at your college or university. You may have to sing classical or jazz, but it won't turn you into a classical or jazz singer, just teach you another style, great musicianship and how to use your voice.

You see, like pretty much all of the major arts, singing is an extremely technical study. There can be a thousand ways to do something wrong and only 3 ways to do it right and only the eyes and ears of a highly skilled and experienced vocal coach can give you the immediate, actionable feedback you need to correct you AS you're actually performing the act.But, if for whatever reason you can't or don't want to take singing lessons - which, many people don't, and yes, they're very expensive! - then there are still A LOT of resources you can learn from and apply to your singing on your own.

Even just the act of sitting down in a room with some music playing and mindfully singing along to your favorite songs can help you gain awareness of your body, voice tone, range limitations, etc. On top of that, there are TONS of books on singing. Many of them have really great advice, although some of them can get a little technical with information about anatomy, acoustics, etc. I'd say that Richard Miller's "Art of Singing" and most books about SLS (speech level singing) are great places to start to begin understanding the fundamentals of healthy vocalism, although chances are good you already have a somewhat intuitive understanding of what good singing is and bad singing is; what sounds brilliant and what sounds god-awful.

As you're learning, remember the part about singing being a very technical subject because you WILL find yourself frustrated often by this challenging yet ultimately rewarding and beautiful art/skill.A step up from books about singing are all the various video courses and tutorials about singing that you can find both in stores and online. Some of these are really excellent and fairly comprehensive; others are total garbage; and others still are good but only cover specific things while leaving something else out. For instance, if one singing tutorial doesn't teach you much about breathing, then a second tutorial DOES, but neglects to discuss how to sing high notes.There's no cure-all product or solution. Singing is a huge subject with a lot to cover, so no ONE course could possibly teach you everything you need to know!

Even if you take voice lessons weekly, it's good to go visit another teacher and get another perspective. Working with high quality singing software programs will also put you way ahead of the curve. Sing With Freedom is great for increasing your range and relaxation while Singorama is a fantastic musicianship course. Learning To Sing As A Hobby If you've read the first section, your probably thinking...crap, I've gotta go through all that when learning to sing? Well, no.

The above breathing exercise is the most basic breathing exercise you can get, it is one you should do every day - four or five times a day. It's something you can do on the train, walking down the street, standing looking in through a shop window and no one will ever know you are doing it. Given a little time and practise you will soon learn to master your breathing and as you do start to increase the breathing count - eight, twelve, fifteen and as far as you can go.

When you're paying money, on the other hand, you get a pang when you feel like you're just throwing it away! Listen to your favorite songs and artists and try to emulate them just be careful about trying to sing songs that are way too high for you and straining your voice. Also, emulate the songs but don't emulate the singer. You have your own voice, your own style and your own interpretive abilities. Use them! Don't become a second-hand singer. Learning to sing will still present certain frustrations for you but just take your time and do what you can and slowly push yourself a little more each time.

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