Sunday, November 4, 2012

Your Willingness to Succeed

By Oregna Jones

Your Willingness to Succeed

Do you know the capacity of your willpower? Believe it or not, most people don't. The reason being is because most don't know the the power of their will and as a result, they go through life hoping and wishing to achieve their desire instead of having a practical action step in place to assist them alone the way. It is possible for you to achieve all of your desires by focusing and centering your attention. Your desire to succeed must be strong and you must be passionate about it. A strong desire is not enough. You have to pursue what you desire. Every desire you go after, you will accomplish. You must center your attention on the things you desire and take action daily. This simple process will assist you in achieving your desire. If you desire to be a profitable business owner, center your attention on becoming a successful business owner. Where your attention goes, that's what expands in your life. Your desire to succeed as a business owner must accompany an action plan that you engage in daily. Now that you understand the power of desire, you must ask yourself, "How bad do you want what you desire?"

Willpower, The Determining Factor

Your character is strengthened by your will. Your desire is your will which is your seed. Your seed or desire, is watered and cared for when you take action steps daily. You are motivated by your will. Your will is the determining factor in your life. Now that you recognize the importance of your will, if it is not where you want it to be, you can always change it. To receive something that you want, develop an intense desire for it. Your desire to be a profitable business owner will always be at the front of your mind. You will think about it ever day. You will eat, sleep, live and breath your desire. Your focus will be on achieving your desire of become a successful business owner. You will concentrate all your attention on your desire.

Your Will Strengthens You

You must have a strong desire in order to achieve it. Your desire must be intense. Take action steps towards your desire to breath life into it. Bloggers blog every day. Writers write daily. Marketers market every day. This form of consistency is the same with every desire. It is imperative that you take action steps daily to breath life into your desire. You must be persistent and consistent. These two characteristics are vital to your success. Your desire should be the first thing on your mind when you awake and the last before you go to sleep. Create a burning desire for everything you want to do and become. To accomplish your desire, make a decision, establish an action plan and take action daily. At the end of the day, your thoughts and actions are all that matters.

Your will plays a major role in your life. It is the determining factor for success. Create a plan and work it daily to ensure your desire is accomplished. This is the success plan required to bring your desire into your life .

To Your Prosperity and Success

Oregna "Gina" Jones

The "Mind-Setting" Queen

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